Learning process tablets


The using of tablets as media of learning is something new in Merauke. Usually, Tablet

is used to do work for an employer or playing game for the kids. The fact, many learning

applications for kids provided in Google Play. These applications are suitable for the learning

in Pre-School (PAUD), Kindergarten (TK) and Elementary School (SD). However, the using of

tablets for this purpose is not general among the kids. Start from this point, we designed a

learning process with integrating the using of tablets in a class. By this way, we try to suggest

the kids to using the tablet properly.

II. Activity

The Learning Process using Tablets by the Kids of TK/PAUD Bintang Fajar.

III. Purpose

This program is aimed to amplify the ability of the kids so that they can comprehend the

learning in class faster than ever.

IV. Beneficiaries

The students of the TK/PAUD Bintang Fajar, Merauke, South Papua

V. Timeline

This program has been started since September 2023 – August 2024.

VI. Discussion

In this Activity, The kids use Kataku, Kataku 1 & Kataku 2 apps. Besides, The teachers

also use another apps such as Belajar Membaca Apps. The kids used Kataku Apps to learning

new things and alphabet. This apps have reward scheme to the kids who can make a right

answer. This learning was very attracting the kids because they felt appreciated every time

they made right answers. However, this apps have not “Log out” feature yet. This made the

kids and the teachers should forcedly close the apps to back to the Main Menu on the phone

screen. Furthermore, the interface of Belajar Membaca Apps is very attractive audio-visually.

Using the bright-creamy colors, the kids can learn faster to know the word and each of color.

Nonetheless, this apps are not built in context of Papuan Kids like Kataku Apps. It made the

kids felt strange with the pictographic on that screen.

However, we have observed that the using of tablet had increased the ability of the kids

to comprehend the alphabetical learning faster than ever. Moreover, by using the tablet, thekids are not only learning alphabetic, but also the color of the words. They also improved their

responsiveness to the instructions and develop their creativity using all the tools in the


VI. Financial Report


VII. Conclusion

The using of tablet accelerates the understanding of the kids in learning process of Alphabets,

colors, and numbers. Besides, they also have new way to learn about things, plants, and

animals around them.

However, the numbers of students in TK B are more than the numbers of tablets. They

are 12 students. This is made them must arranged into some groups to use one tablets. We

can make it more effective by add the numbers of tablets.

Merauke, 27-09-20