Privacy statement

Privacy statement St. RSP

On May 25, 2018, the new privacy law came into effect according to the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) of the European Union. The new privacy law is primarily intended to be transparent. Everyone has the right to clarify why his or her personal data are stored and for which they are used. Personal data may only be stored after permission of that person with the right to see which personal data is stored, to have it modified, or to have it deleted.

Below you can read more about what personal data we can keep of you, for which we use it and how we deal with it. We point out that we do not collect special personal data from you. Special personal data are data about political opinions, race, religious belief, health or criminal data.

What personal data do we keep?

When you make a donation, we ask you the following personal information: email address and bank account number.

Where your personal data are used for

We use your personal data for the benefit of our administration for the purposes of accounting. We promise that we handle your information carefully and do not provide it to other parties, such as for commercial purposes.

You are not obliged to provide your personal information.

Your rights

You always have the right to:

  • to ask which personal data we save from you,
  • to have this adjusted,
  • to have it removed.

Protect personal data

We have taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against unlawful processing. As:

  • All board members of St. Remote School Papua have been informed about the importance of the

protection of personal data and confidentiality thereof;

  • We use one file in which all donation data are managed;
  • Only board members of the foundation have access to the file;
  • We do not use centrally stored documents so that no sensitive internet access from outside the local (personal) network of board members is necessary.

We do not store your data for more than 1 year or delete it at your request.

Questions and contact

If you have any questions about our privacy statement or general questions about your personal data, please feel free to contact us. You can find our contact details on our website.