App Kataku

The  Remote School Papua Project is a project where we, a group of students of the Radboud University, create an app for the children of West-Papua so that they can learn Indonesian. With this app named Kataku, the children can be acquainted to the Indonesian language in a playful way. Kataku is intended to be an addition to the current education system, not as an replacement for it. The words included in the app are from the already existing powerpoints. All these words are divided in different themes such as food and eating and moving around.

The app starts with a carousel with 10 different themes which you can scroll through. The images on the carousel correspond with the image of the theme in the powerpoint. When you click on a theme, you will go to the game screen. In the game screen you can see on the top in which theme you are. In the game screen you see 4 different buttons. These are the 4 different games we made. The left most button is the ‘connect lines’ game. The button on the bottom right is the ‘tap on word’ game. The button on the upper left side is the memory game. The button on the upper right side is the drap & drop game. We used little text as possible and we tried to make the app as intuitive as possible. We also did this to maintain the TPR way of learning.