Fundraisen Montessori College Nijmegen

Three HAVO classes from the Montessori College in Nijmegen have raised money for the children of Papua. Unfortunately, they had little time at their disposal, but in the end they … Read more

Update school in Merauke

The  primary school in Merauke has had a lot of flooding lately, it has rained a lot. As a result, the children sometimes did not come to school. The playground … Read more

cooking workshop january 11, 2024

The cooking workshop on January 11 was successful again, all participants enthusiastically started making sambal, then ajam ketjap and a delicious sajoer turmeric. This time the location was in the … Read more

Donation Rumah Baru

Thank you very much to the Rumah Baru foundation on behalf of the children of the PAUD schools in Papua! Rumah Baru.Rumah Baru is a citizens’ initiative that originated in … Read more

Learning process tablets

 Background The using of tablets as media of learning is something new in Merauke. Usually, Tablet is used to do work for an employer or playing game for the kids. … Read more

First tablet lesson

At the PAUD school in Merauke, all tablets have been installed and made ready for use. The first tablet lesson could start.