Thank you very much to the Rumah Baru foundation on behalf of the children of the PAUD schools in Papua! Rumah Baru.Rumah Baru is a citizens’ initiative that originated in Arnhem-Zuid and has been a Foundation since May 3, 2018. As a foundation, they mainly focus on the Indian and Moluccan elderly. Elderly people from other cultures are of course also very welcome. Objective
The Rumah Baru Foundation was founded on May 3, 2018 and aims to:
Bringing older people and young people together through music, dance and creative activities
and mainly aimed at the Indian and Moluccan elderly
Carrying out all further actions that are related to the foregoing in the broadest sense or that may be conducive thereto
Organizing communal meals
“Offering workshops in drawing, painting, watercolor painting and jewelry making
Organizing lectures and cultural afternoons”
Donation Rumah Baru