Development app design “Bahasa Indonesia”

This year students work hard to develop 2 new apps (students of the “Education Institute for Informatics & Information Science, Radboud University” in Nijmegen). The Kataku 2 app, which was developed last year, is positively appreciated by the students from Kuyawage. It was requested to expand with an app for the following years as well as a basic app for the first language acquisition and letter learning. The apps are intended as training material for the students after the teacher’s lesson. Kataku 1 consists of playfully learning the alphabet, it is aimed at recognizing timbre and letter form. Kataku 2 consists of learning simple words and Kataku 3 consists of exercises to formulate simple sentences yourself. The students are supervised by Marlôt Fliers, the audio part is provided by Wendy Utje.