Project Asmaro Merauke

The Asmaro project (devised by project leader Edoardo Mote) offers education to Asmat  children who live slightly outside Merauke. RSP and PJNS (Papua Youth back to school) have jointly agreed … Read more

PAUD School Wirewit Biak

The RSP foundation has supported the PAUD school in Biak with play and learning materials.  

Cooking workshop 29 may 2022

The participants of the cooking workshop enthusiastically made 6 dishes Yellow rice (nasi kuning, chicken dish (ajam masak kimirie), vegetable dish (sayur curry djawa), timpé dish (sambal goreng timpé), prawn … Read more

Donation Books4life Nijmegen

Nijmegen, April 28  2020. This year, the volunteers of the Books4life Foundation choose (among other charities) RSP Foundation. Books 4 life has donated an amount of € 3000 to the … Read more

Cooking Workshop 16 february

The cooking workshop on Sunday 16 February was again very successful. All participants enthusiastically made sambals, tasty Indian pasties, martabak telor and sajoer kuning. With the proceeds from the workshop, … Read more

Digital Book World Conference

Last week at the Digital Book World Conferencein Nashville, Tennessee, SIL LEAD Executive Director Dr. Paul Frank spoke about what digital publishing has to offer languages without literature. A Life … Read more

New apps

This year students of Radboud University have developed 2 apps (Kataku 1 and Kataku 2) for the children of West Papua so that they can learn Indonesian. Both apps belong … Read more

Cooking workshop 16 december 2018

The cooking workshop was a success! Financial support for the foundation! Workshop especially for the rugby ladies club Nijmegen.